Learn to Design And Launch
A Self Directed Model At Your School
What if every youth was a self-directed, independent learner?
The Academy from The Institute For Self Directed learning will be launching two full-featured courses enabling school leaders to implement self-directed learning models in their schools.
A 27-session course empowering forward-thinking leaders to create a blueprint to guide the holistic deployment of self-directed learning. At the end of this course you will have the knowledge and skills to design beyond the limits of traditional school design.
Radical transformation in education is possible, but only when strong local conditions are in place. In this 16-session course, participants will identify the nature of those local conditions—and make plans to nurture their growth. These are the most important lessons that a leader or leadership team can learn.
Be the first to know when the Academy Opens
Unleashing the boundless capacity of every student.
The Institute for Self Directed Learning empowers educators and leaders with pathways to deploy research-based practices for self-directed learning from classroom to district level.